Arrived at Bagel Market & Deli: Sat, Sep 2, 2017, @ 7:30 AM
#SecureThePorch: Accomplished! #ValuePoints
Notes: Because of Labor Day, our normal meeting place was closed so we convened at another place across town. It does the trick when in a pinch but it's clearly not our home court like Bobby's is.
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It has been a while(2 months) since the last blog was published and a lot has happened with the BK Club...well, not really. I am starting to believe, we are simply not that exciting. We had a few of your standard vacations, a week down the shore, a few golf outings, a few trips up to the mountains, a trip out west, fishing, etc. Attendance was a bit thin during the summer, as is expected, and sometimes life gets in the way of fun. But the fall season is here. It;s time to get our mojo working. Pumpkin Spice is being served at Dunkin Donuts, Rutgers football is back and so is the Breakfast Club.
Our resident food critic didn't take the summer off.
Jim discovered another must-visit restaurant. The Star Tavern, located in Orange, NJ is considered one of the best thin crust pizza joints in the state. For a state like Jersey, which is noted for thin crust pizza, it's not easy to set yourself apart. I am a little suspect of any list that doesn't have Pete & Eldas/Carmen's Pizzeria in Neptune City, NJ listed somewhere but if Jim's recommends the Star Tavern, it must be good. Let's do it!
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"You Bosco guys are so full of yourselves", is what I heard while enjoying my breakfast on Saturday. It's not so much what was said that was bothersome but how it was said...with total disdain. I have heard this line before and I am certain to hear it again because this is how envy manifests it self. Experience has taught me that it is far better to return pity than scorn. Don Bosco had lost a game against a very good team in South Carolina and I had voiced concern over my beloved Ironmen of Don Bosco. We have a new coach, Mike Teel, after a rather public and disheartening separation with the last head coach, Greg Toal, who is certain to go down in history as one of the most successful high school football coaches in New Jersey. Although Mike Teel had a great career as a player at Don Bosco and Rutgers, he has limited experience coaching on the high school level. Of course, Coach Teel has our support but I am also certain he understands the bar is set very high at a place like Bosco. So, yes, I am a Bosco guy who is "full of it." I am full of a desire for excellence; excellence in academics, spiritual life, and athletics. It's a shame, not all my fellow BK mates aren't also "full of it."
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Attendance has been an issue lately with a few of the BK members, which is very disheartening. Often times people form opinions before knowing all the facts. For instance, a few weeks back I missed the Breakfast Club because I was traveling to Georgia. The reason for my trip was to hand deliver some World War 2 medals earned by Paul Kemmerer, Cindy's Dad, including a Purple Heart and a Legion of Honor medal awarded by the French government for Paul's contribution in the liberation of France. Yes, I missed a BK breakfast but I think it should count as an excused absence. As Paul Harvey use to say, "now you know the rest of the story."
While sitting at the bar of my local tavern, I asked a young female bar tender what was the name of the drink that two girls had ordered. The drink was served in a glass that had the shape of a white wine glass but was much smaller. She said, "It's called a xxxx xxx and you're supposed to drink it with your hands behind your back, I was totally verklempt! Without words! I guess I'm getting old. In my day, there were no drinks with names like that.
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Rutgers Record: 0-1
Next Game: Sat, Sep 9 @ 3:30 PM
Location: High Point Stadium(Rutgers)
Opponent: The Eagles of Eastern Michigan(1-0)
Opponents Last Game: Eastern Michigan beat Charlotte 24-7 Sep 1.
College Football Challenge 2017
Name/Total Points
Rick B/2
Tom R/1
Ed B/1
Patrick W/5
Zach W/0
Reading a book by the famed sports broadcaster Ernie Johnson He speaks of the best lesson he learned from his father "take the high road you don't want to enter a pissing contest with a skunk you both end up with stink on you "
ReplyDeleteStar Tavern is a can't miss pizza joint You got to try it
Nice work Eddie! And kudos and accolades (and respect) to Paul K on a life well lived and service beyond compare. I read one of those forwarded emails this morning all about how professional sports commissioners should crack down on these athletes who have decided that somehow their sitting or ignoring the the National Anthem makes a statement. I reflected on it for a minute or two and quickly decided two things. One, it doesn't bother me because men like Cindys dad would not give them a seconds thought and two, these so called pros stopped being role models when the $ in sports became stupid. And oh yea a third thing would be that the 'statement' they make is that they're a bunch of A-holes!