(Submitted by the Breakfast Club Treasury Secretary)
Last week I failed miserably at #SecureThe Porch. I wasn’t going to let it happen this week. After several sleepless nights I came up with my game plan. Have you heard of WWJD? I would follow WDED. What Does Eddie Do? I tried to think of and imitate his Saturday morning routine. I got up early. I made my wife breakfast and served her in bed. I vacuumed the house. I walked the dog, and I don’t even have a dog. I drove to the store and bought the morning paper. I backed into the parking spot at the Deli. Took me three tries but it was close enough. I was all pumped up. Then who drove up but the IT guy. The guy who gave himself the nickname BB, Belgium Balls. Together we stormed the porch. Took no prisoners, (because no one was back there). Mission Accomplished.
Last week I failed miserably at #SecureThe Porch. I wasn’t going to let it happen this week. After several sleepless nights I came up with my game plan. Have you heard of WWJD? I would follow WDED. What Does Eddie Do? I tried to think of and imitate his Saturday morning routine. I got up early. I made my wife breakfast and served her in bed. I vacuumed the house. I walked the dog, and I don’t even have a dog. I drove to the store and bought the morning paper. I backed into the parking spot at the Deli. Took me three tries but it was close enough. I was all pumped up. Then who drove up but the IT guy. The guy who gave himself the nickname BB, Belgium Balls. Together we stormed the porch. Took no prisoners, (because no one was back there). Mission Accomplished.
As I sat down with the IT guy in came the old ball coach. This week he was wearing a sweatshirt so it was difficult to see if he had his name on the back of his shirt. He claims no but sometimes old guys forget. Next came the soon to be one of the old guys. The December I’m turning 60 guy. Sometimes called Jesus because they share the same birthday. The rest of the members arrived shortly after, the Logistics guy, the Big Dawg and the CEO. And of course, our special guest arrived last. So he had the privilege to sit next to the Big Dawg.
Sports was briefly discussed. But with our college football expert still on his sabbatical it left us with only the local teams and since the Yankee season is over, Jets and Giants are not playing well and RU struggling there wasn’t much to discuss. Even Don Bosco lost. It might be time to call it a rebuilding year.
We talked some politics. Some members think the election might be over already. You can see the Logistics guy eyes just light up with joy, or something else, when we talk about the next four years.
We talked about the soon to be old guys birthday party in December. There is still a question if all the members are invited. It seems one member was left off the spreadsheet created to find an available date. Most of us thought it was a wonderful spreadsheet even before the IT guy enhanced it. We did find out the Big Dawgs phone seems to send out texts on its own. This does explain a lot about his texts. He even tried to blame the phone on the missing member from the spreadsheet.
We talked about the weekends windy weather. Since we were playing golf the next day a sarcastic remark was made about my tee shots finally going over 150 yards. The golf bully denied using the word “finally” and tried to spin it as a compliment. But the old ball coach claims he heard it and I believe him. Even if he is the same guy that I wrote earlier can’t remember. Now after playing golf I can truthfully say the golf bully was wrong. I still didn’t hit it over 150 yards.
At one time during our breakfast, Franklins Finest secured the last table on the porch. It was a tense moment as they looked for another table. The old ball coach thinks they were looking to start trouble. That their hands were hanging loosely at their sides. But who believes anything the old ball coach says anyway. Fortunately the towns prosecutor arrived and came to our table. Even though he talked about SMS coaching we all knew he was trying to negotiate a table. We held firm and he left empty handed.
And finally I must add another special visitor came and had breakfast with us, Patrick. It’s always great to see him. He must be thinking, is this what I have to look forward to. Whereas I say the future is in good hands with young men like Patrick.
Hopefully the BLOG Master is back next week.