Monday, September 26, 2016


The BK club returned to its rightful place on the back porch of Bobby's today with close to a full house. I arrived at 7:30 AM, set up the usual tables and waited for the rest of the BK boys to arrive. Order and consistency have returned. As Coach Rooney likes to say, I was able to #SecureThePorch. Don't let him fool you, he's not as tech savvy as it sounds. Up until a month ago, he was still using a flip phone. Jim was not present in the photo because he arrived too late. Jim - I know you're cranky without that extra hour of sleep you get on Saturdays but the rest of us are cranky because you're always an hour late. Your charm has always been your crankiness. We need you at the BK club at least by 8:30 AM. My end of the table needs you Jim. It was a treat for me to have my son, Mark B,  join us for the BK breakfast this week. It's always interesting to hear the opinions of the next generation because they'are always out-of-line with us BK members.


Happy Birthday to Laurie B. Mike told us how he was going to spoil you silly on your special day. Mike, I know you love your wife but you are making it very difficult for the rest of us. Grilled steak and fresh string beans? She is going to think you did something wrong and you're only trying to make up for it. You know how this stuff works. Come on now. 

One of the topics covered on Saturday was the 'R' word. Retirement. All of us BK members work in the private sector and do not have the luxury of a pension. Some of us have planned better than others but like it or not, the time is approaching. Mark B, was quick to remind us that it's his generation that will be funding a good part of our retirement(SSN); which reminds me of the saying "be good to your kids, because they will selecting your nursing home". I tend to view retirement preparation the way Gatsby viewed the green light across the bay. 

"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter--tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther.... So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."
- F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

For so long retirement has been such a vague concept to me. It's still a good 6-10 years away but it is starting to take shape and form right before my eyes. I'm not sure if I could ever be fully prepared financially and emotionally. Am I alone on this one? Give me your thoughts. Submit some comments!!!


  1. A true privilege to join the Club this week. Politics, Finance, Sports, and Culture always seem more interesting with a fresh coffee and an egg sandwich.

  2. Yes! First of all, A+ for your first blog post and A+++ for igniting a blog!
    I am missing my garden today, so I will leave you with this quote: "Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later." -Og Mandino
    Take it as you wish...we have a number of themes covered, the next generation, enjoying traditions, and retirement.
    I think it is always smart to be prepared (I assume, you have met my mother) and if you are ready to discuss retirement, then your time has come to prepare for retirement.
    Coffee cheers to BK and your new blog. Please continue to post. I know people are looking forward to reading.

    1. Ooops, I shall read your first blog post now.

  3. Our kids will fund our retirement when pigs fly

  4. Love that Fitzgerald quote! I hope you bought Mark breakfast to thank him for funding your retirement. And so you can remind him of it when he's choosing your nursing home.

  5. Mark joining the breakfast club made me think of The Joy Luck Club

  6. We who pay into social security today are not funding our own retirement but that of those already retired.
