Sunday, July 9, 2017

BKWRP II - The fat boys are back!

Arrived at Bobby's: Sat, July 8, 2017, @ 7:30 AM
#SecureThePorch: Accomplished! #ValuePoints
BK Guests: Micky Black, brother of Rick. It was great to see you Mick. Let me know what you think of the Heady Topper.

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The "fat boys" of the Breakfast Club have found themselves in need of another weight loss program. Following the last weight-loss contest, a few pounds have managed to find their way back home and it's time to banish these insidious invaders for good...well at least for a little while anyway. We lost one beauty contestant... "count me in during the winter...but not during the summer", and gained another ..."I'm in! I could stand to lose a few pounds." One contestant had to be a bribed with a 6 pound bonus..."It would be easier for you guys to lose weight than me. You have all put on 6 pounds or more since the last contest while I have maintained my weight since the last weigh in." We have one official scale and one unofficial scale being used to measure our progress. The unofficial scale was introduced as "what's the difference? It's all the same." I immediately thought of Sammy Sosa using a corked bat.
The same rules from previous BKWRP contest applies.

  • $20 entry fee
  • Winner take all
  • Duration of contest is 10 weeks
  • The winner is determined by who loses the most weight as a percentage of starting weight
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The summer is here and attendance at the BK Club has dropped off a bit. BK members should note that attendance is a key component of the value matrix. The "value matrix" will be explained in a later blog.

Some troubling conversations/comments I eavesdropped on.
"Where did Hagerty go?"
"He left 5 minutes ago. He was sitting across from you for a whole hour."...yes - we are all getting old.

"When you come here early, it takes a long time to be here."...troubling on so many levels.

"Do jockeys riding trotter horses get hit with shit?" ... I am without words.

A great quote..."Who will rid me of this mettlesome priest."

A few "Happy Birthday's" since the last blog...
Coach Connelly
Bobby Knoke

Upcoming BK Events
July ?? - Relocation dinner for...who else? Al & Bev DelPizzo, They do get a lot parties but if anyone deserve a lot of parties it's them...they have also given far more parties than they will ever receive.

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