#SecureThePorch: Accomplished? Yes! Overrated? No!
Although brother Rick and brother Tom had arrived just before I had, you don't get to use the hashtag #SecureThePorch. You hadn't even ordered breakfast yet so, save the disparaging looks. Maybe #EarlyOnceIsNotGoodEnough is more appropriate.
BK Guests: None
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"A man is getting older when he walks around a puddle instead of through it."
--R.C. Fergusan
I'm not old!!! Do you hear me?
I refuse to think of myself as old. Yes, I know, time cheats no man and all of that crap but I'm sorry; I can't do it. I won't do it. Even if the rest of the world thinks otherwise. The other day I was traveling into Manhattan by train and it was very crowded, standing room only. The early morning travelers were eager to get to their destination and start their day, I was well rested so it really wasn't too bad. After a few stops, the crowd started to thin out a tiny bit. An "older" gentleman was standing a few feet away from me and was visibly uncomfortable, shifting from side to side as one does when fatigue is taking its toll. Someone had offered their seat to him and he gratefully accepted. "What a nice gesture," I thought. It's always so refreshing to observe complete strangers showing compassion toward each other, especially towards the elderly. A few more train stops went by, the crowd thinned out a bit more and then it happened. "Would you like to sit down", I heard someone say. Another nice gesture toward the elderly I thought. Maybe the world isn't going to hell in a handbasket. Again I heard, "Sir, would you like to sit down?" I turned around and realized the offer was for me. "You can't be serious," I thought. I'm not like that older guy. Just two weeks earlier I was hiking one of the high peaks up in the Adirondack mountains. I still go out drinking with my pals. I made eye contact with the "older" gentleman who took a seat a few minutes earlier and if I was reading his mind correctly, he was thinking "who are you kidding? You're as old as I am. Take the damn seat."...and if he was reading my mind correctly I was thinking, "you can kiss my ass. I'm not taking the seat.
I'm not old. Do you hear me?"
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Jim W. - you picked a fine day to be taking in the fall colors while sailing up the Hudson. The forecast calls for blue sky and 70 degrees for most of the day. I hope you take some pictures and provide a recap for next week's blog.
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Happy Birthday!
Sep 22 - Maria B.
Sep 26 - Laurie B.
Oct 18 - Pat W.
Oct 27 - Sue B.
Clear your calendar for the Christmas dinner. If my sources are correct, the date and place getting thrown around is Sat, Dec 9 at The Landing in Hillsborough. Hopefully, I am not wrong on this. If I am, keep reading the blog and eventually I will have the correct date and place.