Sunday, May 28, 2017

Memorial Day - Honoring those lives lost in the fight for freedom

Arrived at Bobby's: Sat, May 20, 2017, @ 7:30 AM.
#SecureThePorch: Accomplished BK brother's Rick & Tom
BK Guests: Not Reported

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Memorial Day - Wikipedia
The holiday, which is currently observed every year on the last Monday of May, originated as Decoration Day after the American Civil War in 1868, when the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of Union veterans founded in Decatur, Illinois, established it as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the Union war dead with flowers. By the 20th century, competing Union and Confederate holiday traditions, celebrated on different days, had merged, and Memorial Day eventually extended to honor all Americans who died while in the military service. It marks the start of the unofficial summer vacation season, while Labor Day marks its end.

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This week's blog submitted by Brother Al.

Our lead security officer of the table was upstate fishing with his biological brothers and the Jersey Shore (as it does when the warm weather starts) had another two brothers getting their summer homes ready for Summer.  That said, that did not affect the 'liveliness' of the conversation this Saturday morning.  8 of the 9 brothers had participated in the 2nd annual Mt. St. Mary Golf event the day before so there was the usual trash talking along with tales of golf shots that rivaled the aforementioned brother Eddie's fish tales.  There was a rather disturbing challenge or dare I say rant by 'the other founding father' calling into question the 'effectiveness' of securing the porch and even challenging attendance record(s) of all members verses his own.  Cooler heads prevailed but the challenge is definitely still out there.  

With that ugliness aside, there ensued a lively discussion that included a little politics, the Preakness and some valuable and educational facts about bovine.  Did you know that you can get 5 or more Republicans together on a Saturday morning and not talk about our fearless leader, Pres. Trump?  Did you know that you can place 2 bets on the 2nd leg of the triple crown, bet the horses that finish 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th; and win $0?  Did you know that there are cows that give milk and cows that give us steak but they are not one and the same?   WOW!  As Yogi might have said; 'you can learn a lot just by showing up at Corner Deli on Saturday morning'.  And speaking of showing up, is there really an attendance bylaw?  And finally, thanks to BK 'kids' Katie & Brennan for picking up the breakfast tab!  That makes 2 'freebies' in a row!  Now if we can just secure a lottery win we'll be stylin'.  And sadly; all our hearts go out to the families and friends who lost loved ones this week in the UK. We lose a little bit of ourselves each and every time innocent souls are sacrificed due to hatred and blindness. May God have mercy on their souls and may our prayer today be that love triumphs hate in our lifetime.  And lastly, as we approach Memorial Day weekend; thanks for all the men and women who have sacrificed all for others.  Heroes all!  

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Addendum by Ed Bauer.
(Alexander Hamilton's grave and his wife, Eliz's grave in front)

Recently, while visiting my kids Mark & Carly in lower Manhattan, I took a walk on the grounds of Trinity Church. Located at the intersection of Wall Street & Broadway, Trinity Church has a rich history with roots dating back before the American Revolution. In 1697, shortly after the Dutch established a trading post in New York City known as New Amsterdam, a charter was granted by King William III. Buried on the church grounds are a number of notable and historical people such as Alexander Hamilton, his wife Eliza, and sister-in-law Anjelica, and his son Philip (also killed in a duel).

Alexander Hamilton tombstone inscription:
The patriot of incorruptible integrity.
The soldier of approved valour.
The statesman of consummate wisdom;
whose talents and virtues will be admired by grateful posterity long after this marble shall have mouldered into dust.

We could use Hamilton and his virtues today. But as the saying goes, "Be the change you want to see."

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Brother Al - On behalf of those present at the BK Club held on Sat, May 28, I am requesting the last Saturday of May to be designated as BK Founders Day. We don't need any additional approval because a whopping two-thirds present on Sat, May 28 have already approved the measure. Those present in favor of the measure were Jim Widdoss(Founding Father), and Ed Bauer(Founding Father). The only other BK member present was Tom Rooney, but his vote didn't matter because we already had two-thirds consensus.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Where Is?

Arrived at Bobby's: Sat, May 6, 2017, @ 7:30 AM.
#SecureThePorch: Accomplished
This week, location security was handled admirably by BK's own Rick Black but it's just not the same without Eddie in the chair at the head of the table.
BK Guests: Not Reported

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BK Blog Entry respectfully submitted by Al D.

By the way, "where's Eddie?"

This was the refrain as the BK members and guests arrived for our weekly respite from the real world at Bobby's Corner Deli.  In the interest of full disclosure, Ed was given the day off to be with his lovely bride who is recovering from knee surgery.  Ed, like all BK members, recognizes that the way this thing called 'life' works is by making sure the needs of our better halves are taken care of first and foremost.  Get well soon Cin....... 

Happy Birthday to our own Mike Hagerty!  Mike is the newest member of the 60 yr and 4-month club.
Wait! What?

This week the conversations that flowed across the breakfast table started with the latest goings-on in our nation's capital where it was/is obvious that this circus continues to be totally detached from real people (like us) who are concerned with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  We also tried to name the #1 QB on the NY Jets depth chart and at least 2 Jet fans needed to look it up on their phones.  Now that speaks volumes!

By the way, "where's Eddie?"

By far the topic that took up the most table talk was the run for the roses.  Rick did his homework and passed around an 8-page single-spaced report on the 20 entries and Tom had come equipped with 20 tiny cut pieces of paper with horse name, jockey and pole position.  Big Jim also came ready to gamble some kitty money trying to defray the cost of a big BK birthday dinner scheduled for later Saturday night.  Happy 60 yr and 4 month birthday to Mike H! 
Surely Eddie will make it to Frisco's tonight; right?

All in all, it was a great day. Started with our weekly breakfast followed by 2 foursomes going at it hard for the $200 prize money at Quail Brook, and finishing with a 3+ hour food feast with the wives at the aforementioned Frescos.  Eddie will definitely stop by for a drink; right?

See ya next week.  Eddie will be there next Saturday; right?

Congrats to all of the golf winners of the inaugural Mike Hagerty Invitational BK Outing.  Congrats to Jim and birthday boy who split the prize for best score by a two-some with Steve and Perry.  Also to Coach Tom for the low net score.  And to Steve, Tom, Rick, and Perry for low score in the 4-man scramble.  And of course to Perry for the low individual score (26) for the middle 6 holes.  Mike B and Al didn't win any $ but a day with BK?  Priceless!!!

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Brother Al - Thankyou for writing the blog. Although I thought it was a bit harsh, you stepped up and did a noteworthy job. Regarding my truancy at last week's BK club and Mike's birthday celebration, my absence was punishment enough. I did not expect criticism from someone who spends half the year in Florida. Membership in the BK club is a lot more than phoning in your monthly dues, or lottery fee, or extortion fee or whatever fee we're calling it these days. It's about showing up most Saturdays and giving your best and that I do. Hey! Even the Babe missed a few games. Even DeNiro had few bad movies. But the totality of their work measured up. I will put my attendance record up against anyone else in this BK club. My back is straight and my head is held high because you can't ride a man's back if he's standing tall. 

Happy Birthday Jim! Us founding Father's have to stick together. There are only two and there are some among us who always trying to rewrite the past. I may not show up to every 60th birthday celebration but at least I recognize all birthdays. 

Rick - You must be very proud of your son Hunter. I had the pleasure of sitting next to Hunter on Saturday, May 13. It is not every day that I have such an engaging conversation; grammar, literature, sports, hiking, you name it, we covered it. ASU is lucky to have him. Big things lie ahead for Hunter.  

By the way, I will be fishing next weekend and will not be in attendance at the BK club. Does anyone care to do the following? 